
Since 1995, Kesmak has been manufacturing bandsaw machine with various type of products to the different type of industry.Kesmak has been working with professional team as a engineering company.
We have continued to produce our product in our factory with an area 5000m2. In our factory also we are giving service as a assembly, R&D, technical service, technical support and technical guidance. We have ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System. All our products are suitable the EU norm ( standart ) and have carried CE certificate.
Our Quality Policy;
Our main goal is to use the new technology in each production step to increase the productivity and to get the best result. In the competitive market, we are working to be the preferred company in the bandsaw market and to use brarketing strategy ( branding&marketing ). Always keep going to be better to reach our goal and the give better products and service.
Automatic and Semi-Automatic Bandsaw Machines, Electronic Control Multi-Program Bandsaw Machines, Electronic Control Panel, Automatic and Semi-Automatic Control Panel, Stand Accessories for Automatic and Semi-Automatic Bandsaw Machines
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